meet the committee

A message from the chairman

Thank you for visiting the website of the Leicestershire & Rutland Local Dental Committee, the body that exists to provide all local dental practitioners and their teams with support, advice, information and – when needed – representation.

In these pages, you can get information on the services the LDC provides, how we provide help and support to local dentists and their practices, how you can get in touch with the LDC or one of its members, and how you can get involved in our work. 

You can also find how to get involved in our work, and details of our monthly meetings, which local gdps are welcome to attend as observers, by prior arrangement (just contact one of the LDC Secretaries –  Ashish Desai or Ruby Mahal )

In the meantime, welcome to the LDC Website – I hope you enjoy your visit, and that you’ll visit us regularly.

Kind regards

Hanif Moti, LDC Chair

Latest News

Latest news from Leicestershire Local Dental Committee.

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Local Dental Committee Elections 2023

For the attention of all dentists working in Leicester, Leicestershire and RutlandSix places on your [...]

Webinar – The State Of Dentistry

A recording of our recent webinar “The State of Dentistry” is now available for you [...]

Freedom to Speak Up in Dental Practices

Freedom to speak up in Primary Care – Guidance to primary care providers on supporting [...]

Dental Appointments and COVID-19

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Why Routine Dental Treatments Are Not Available

Dental check-ups and treatments involve close contact between the dentist and patient and so should [...]

Coronavirus – The CDO “Preparedness Letter”

The CDO ‘preparedness letter’ was  issued on 20th March. Although this recommends reducing the number of routine check-ups  by [...]

Coronavirus Help and Advice

The coronavirus crisis is affecting dental practices across the UK. Leicestershire LDC would like to [...]

Getting the most out of Compass An Update on NHS Pensions Radiography for DCPs (Parallel Session)

Following the recent LDC event please feel free to download the presentation slides below